Event report

Past Event| Digital Transformation & Innovation with Decathlon

We had the great pleasure to be invited by Stephan Veyret, CEO Decathlon Singapore, and his team for an exclusive presentation of Decathlon’s newly Data Lab.

Decathlon is on its journey to build a digital ecosystem and develop new digital products, services, and partnerships to better serve customers.

Decathlon Singapore Lab is a state-of-the-art innovation hub aimed at bringing together the best of the sporting and retail sectors.

The Data Lab, through technology and partnerships, enables data collection to provide solutions for tomorrow and facilitate the personalisation of the customer’s journey.

Thanks to Stephan Veyret and his staff for this great presentation and the very warm welcome to our members!

For more information about the Retail & Luxury Committee, please contact Coralie Vincens cvincens@fccsingapore.com

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