Bilans d’évènement
Business Accelerator Lab - BIZSU
Our March Business Accelerator Lab session features Brice Degeyter, Founder and General Manager of Bizsu who presented his business and received recommendations from the following advisors :
- Laetitia de Seroux-Gerhardt and Olivier GROMETTO, (Co-presidents of the Business Accelerator Lab)
- Romain Thune
- Jean-Yves Broussy
- Aurélien Pichon
- Frédéric Maury
Thank you to our guests for this great session!
Note: Sessions of the Business Accelerator Lab are free in the upcoming months. This programme is open to any French entrepreneur and start-up member of the French Chamber who has created their company in Singapore, and is designed to connect French start-ups/Entrepreneurs seeking to present their business plan and strategic challenges to get recommendations and contacts from advisors. For more information, please contact Amelie Poumaer.