Bilans d’évènement


A warm thank you to Tyrel BallManaging Director, North Asia, South-East Asia & Pacific at REMY COINTREAU, who was our CEO of the month.

During this session, Tyrel met with six start-ups, entrepreneurs, and SMEs in one-on-one sessions, exchanging with them best practices, insights, and potential synergies.

  • Alexis Lhoyer, Partner & Chief Business Officer at Chab Agency
  • Stephanie Simmonet, Co-founder at Loopedin
  • Jordan Scornet,Founder and Managing Director at Granite
  • Augustin Missoffe, Managing Director Asia-Pacific at Hopscotch Groupe
  • Christophe Guillot, Managing Director at Stellas Orientis
  • Jean-Louis Cadart, Head of Asia at Wegrow

With special thanks to our Series Partner, Bizsu, sponsor of MEET THE CEO, an initiative of the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore that provides opportunities for start-ups and SMEs to connect with a CEO of a large company. 

Want to know more about the MEET THE CEO program? Please contact Alice Boulard, aboulard(@)

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