Bilans d’évènement  •  Interview

Past Event | A conversation with Mr Lim Kok Thai, CEO of Singapore Food Agency (SFA)

Thank you to our speaker Mr. Lim Kok Thai, CEO of Singapore Food Agency (SFA), Mr. Jean-Yves Broussy and Mr. Olivier Gergele, co-presidents of the French Chamber's Agri-Food Innovation Committee, and participants for this insightful discussion.

As the lead agency for food-related matters, the SFA’s mission is to ensure and secure a supply of safe food for Singapore. SFA works hand-in-hand with the industry and consumers to grow Singapore’s three “food baskets” – Diversify import sources, Grow local, and Grow overseas, as well as ensure food safety from farm-to-fork.

SFA also partners food businesses to strengthen capabilities, tap on technologies to raise productivity, undertake research to develop new lines of business, and catalyse industry transformation to ensure food security.

 This event was jointly organised with The Conseillers du Commerce extérieur de la France (French Foreign Trade Advisors ).


Access the webinar recording and presentation (Only for members)


For more information about upcoming events by the Chamber's Agri-Food Innovation Committee, please contact Lydia Fulton.

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