Bilans d’évènement

Past Event | HR Club - New V.I.E Process Presentation

The HR Club of the French Chamber of Commerce Singapore was delighted to host an informative session on the V.I.E (Volontariat International en Entreprise) scheme and its new process in place for Singapore.

A special thanks to our guest speaker Marine Villocel, V.I.E Manager Singapore and Thailand, ASEAN region coordinator for Business France for the informative presentation.

She provided the attendance with a general overview of the scheme, its process, and conditions as well as the specificities of the facilitated visa process for V.I.E coming to Singapore.

The FCCS HR Club is a “by invitation only“ Club and represents a community of regional senior HR directors of large corporations committed to sharing best practices and challenges as well as generating new ideas and advocacy.


For more information about the HR Club, please contact Caroline Steger csteger(@)

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