Bilans d’évènement
Past Event | SME Roundtable - December 2023
Our last SME Roundtable of the year took place this Tuesday 12 December over lunch. Each participant had the opportunity to present their business and talk about the challenges they face. It led to a great discussion, exchanging feedbacks and insights with their peers on topics such as business development and recruitment.
Special thanks to our attendees Thibaut Jossaume (ADR), Celine Jublot (INOVEN INSIGHTS), Maxime Johanet (RBA SINGAPORE), Valentin Pichon (TALEO CONSULTING) and Delphine Leon Bellancourt (THE LIVE DESIGN PROJECT)
A French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore initiative, the SME Roundtable is aimed at companies with a HQ outside Singapore and a team of less than 20 people locally. The accountability structure will help business owners stay focused and on track. A great opportunity to benefit from this community who brainstorm together to help participants to move to the next step.
For more information about the upcoming sessions, please contact Vanessa Hobbs v.hobbs(@)