Bilans d’évènement

Webinar: Be part of the companies who thrive in 2021: Grow and transform with EDB

More than 150 participants attended this special webinar organised in partnership with Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and Workforce Singapore (WSG).

Warm thanks to the speakers:

  • Marianne Tan, Regional Director Europe at EDB
  • Herman Loh, Vice President and Head of Regional Partnerships Division at EDB
  • Glen Ng, Manager, Enterprise Programmes Division at Workforce Singapore


This webinar gave an introduction on how Singapore, via Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), Workforce Singapore (WSG) and other government agencies, may help you to achieve your ambitions and long term growth in the region with a focus on:

  • Support schemes from EDB and other government agencies
  • Talent attraction and development
  • Sustainability initiatives
  • Supply Chain Management from Singapore


After the presentation, networking tables were available with representatives of EDB Regional Partnerships, EDB Investment and Workforce Singapore for further discussion.


Thank you once more to our speakers and attendees! 

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