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ESSEC Business School Programs Ranked Top Three Worldwide: QS 2020

On 26th September 2019, ESSEC’s Advanced Master in Strategy and Management of International Business (MS SMIB), Master in Data Science and Business Analytics, Master in Finance and Global MBA were recognized among the top programs worldwide in the QS Business Masters Rankings 2020.

  • Advanced Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (Pre and Post experience MS SMIB) - 3rd worldwide (+1)
  • Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics in partnership with CentraleSupélec - 3rd worldwide (+1) and first program in Europe
  • Master in Finance - 6th worldwide (+3), 4th in Europe
  • Global MBA - 30th worldwide (-4)

The ranking focuses on different criteria including employability, thought leadership, entrepreneurship, alumni outcomes, diversity, as well as return on investment, the weighting of which varies by program.

The MS SMIB, delivered in both pre-experience and post-experience versions, ranks 3rd among the 129 Masters in Management from 28 different countries included in the rankings. The program gains 1 position from its spot in the rankings last year. The program performed particularly well in terms of alumni outcomes, achieving almost the full score (98.1 out of 100). QS also recognizes the research impact and academic reputation, as well as the return on investment of the program.

The Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics, in partnership with CentraleSupélec, also gained one place, coming in 3rd among the 86 Masters in Business Analytics programs included in the rankings and the first program in Europe. The program performed particularly well in terms of employability. 350 companies in 36 different countries considered the program as one that is in line with their hiring criteria.

QS ranks ESSEC’s Master in Finance 6th worldwide, a progression of 3 places from last year. QS particularly recognizes the return on investment from this program, estimating that it takes on average only 15 months for graduates to fully payback the cost of the program (Mercer Index).

Lastly, the Global MBA is ranked 30th worldwide among 240 ranked programs. Key indicators include alumni outcomes and return on investment.


Leading business institution ESSEC Business School’s Masters and Global MBA programs took top spots in several categories in the latest edition of the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings, which compared universities from around the world, including Singapore. 

The QS Business Masters Rankings 2020 placed ESSEC’s Masters in Management and Masters in Business Analytics programs in the world’s top three in their respective fields, each improving by one place from the previous year. Both programs are offered in ESSEC’s Paris campus and the Asia-Pacific campus in Singapore.

  • Masters in Management: ESSEC’s Advanced Master in Strategy & Management of International Business (SMIB) ranked 3rd globally. The program achieved a near-perfect score (98.1 out of 100) based on assessment indicators including alumni outcome, research output, academic reputation and return on investment.
  • Masters in Business Analytics: ESSEC’s Master in Data Sciences and Business Analytics, in partnership with the French institute of research and higher learning CentraleSupélec, ranked 3rd globally, performing well on the employability indicator which ranked 2nd globally.
  • In addition, ESSEC’s full-time global MBA program took the 3rd spot in Asia (and 30th worldwide) in the QS Global MBA Rankings 2020, based on key indicators including alumni outcomes and return on investment.  

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