Partners Legal & Compliance

Asia Europe Law and Business Summit 2022


Event ended.

The Symposium aims to promote a greater awareness of civil and common law systems and their implications for doing business in Europe, Asia and beyond

This Symposium builds on the cooperation between the French Embassy in Singapore and the Singapore Academy of Law to facilitate exchange between legal leaders in Europe and Asia on both the law of business and the business of law. The Symposium aims to promote a greater awareness of civil and common law systems and their implications for doing business in Europe, Asia and beyond. The sessions in this year's Symposium continue to reflect on the commonalities and distinctiveness between the two legal systems to highlight their complementary natures. Areas of focus for the law of business this year include data protection and enforcement of foreign judgments.
As gateways to the major economic blocs of their respective regions, and with France at the helm of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, France and Singapore are well-placed to play a leadership role in facilitating greater dialogue, setting standards of excellence and deepening co-operation between the two regions in the areas of cross-border data transfer, legal thought leadership, legal certainty and legal innovation.
For the Asian and European legal communities, it is a time of significant opportunity to facilitate legal convergence on issues of law that have an impact on the ease of doing business in and with Asia, and particularly ASEAN. The increasing global nature of legal services in cross-border trade and business is also having an impact on the role of and demands on law firms and other legal services providers.
Join public and private sector leaders as we deepen dialogue and understanding, and share best practices across Asia and Europe, for how we can begin to converge on areas of law and legal business transformation as to bring about better business certainty and fresh opportunities for cross-pollination and innovation in the legal sphere.


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