Partners Legal & Compliance

Hot Tax Updates: Tax on Salary & VAT on Non-Residents’ E-Commerce Activities

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Keep up-to-date with the many developments that have taken hold in Cambodia’s tax system, and the rapidly growing economy.

DFDL is pleased to invite you to our exclusive webinar that examines two recently issued Prakas concerning Tax on Salary and the rules and procedures involving VAT Tax on E-Commerce Activities by Non-Residents.

The new Prakas on Tax on Salary (“Prakas 543”) was issued on 8 September 2021 and replaces and supersedes its 2003 predecessor Prakas 1173 by setting out new provisions and bringing in changes to keep up-to-date with the many developments that have taken hold in Cambodia’s tax system, and the rapidly growing economy.


Prakas 543 includes updates to key definitions, rules on sources of income, residency and fringe benefits. Our local team will run through the key updates with you so you are fully informed.


Prakas 542 (“Prakas 542”), which also took effect on 8 September 2021, concerns the Rules and Procedures on the Implementation of Value Added Tax on E-Commerce Activities. Prakas 542 follows on from Sub-Decree 65 issued in April earlier this year by laying out practical steps on VAT registration obligations for non-resident e-commerce entities supplying goods and services to customers in Cambodia even if these non-resident entities have no local taxable presence in Cambodia.


In our webinar, we will outline in detail the registration obligations for non-resident e-commerce providers, how B2C and B2B transactions are treated under Prakas 542 (including the new VAT reverse charge mechanism) and what types of transactions are now captured by these new rules. We will outline the obligations for both non-resident e-commerce providers and Cambodian tax registered entities under Prakas 342.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear from our team of expert speakers to understand more about these important developments and how they may impact your business!



  • Prakas on Tax on Salary – Vajiravann Chamnan
  • Prakas on VAT on E-Commerce – Clint O’Connell
  • Q&A – Faosiyas Loh


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