Event report
General Assembly • Conference & Seminar Sustainable Business
The French Chamber cordially invites you to attend its Annual General Meeting preceded by a dialogue with Minister Grace FU.
- This event is for members only -
Please note that there is no election this year as board members were elected in June 2023 for a 2 year-mandate.
In the first half of the event, we welcome our special guest Mrs. Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Minister-in-charge of Trade Relations, who will engage in a moderated dialogue with members led by Thomas Baudlot, President of the French Chamber of Commerce.
In the second half, during our formal Annual General Meeting, members will hear from our Executive Committee Members on the French Chamber's achievements and activities during the past 12 months.
From 7:45 am: Registrations and Welcome, in partnership with SO France
8:15 am (sharp): Opening Remarks by
8.30 am-9.15 am: Member Dialogue with Mrs. Grace Fu and Mr. Thomas Baudlot
9.15 am-10.00 am: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2024
In the event that you are unable to attend the AGM, you may nominate someone to vote on your behalf by filling in the proxy form and submitting it to the French Chamber by email (agm(@)fccsingapore.com) no later than 48 hours before the AGM, i.e before Tuesday 4 June 5.00pm. Further note the conditions set out in the Form.
- Event for members only.
- Members only, please login to view.
Event ended.