Webinar  •  Partners Legal & Compliance

Operational transfer pricing best practice


Event ended.

We welcome you to join us on Thursday, 15 September 2022, for our “Operational Transfer Pricing Best Practice” live event at 10 am (UTC+ 8).

The guest speaker for the event will be Adnan Begic (Transfer Pricing and International Tax Specialist), and the event will be moderated by Christine Schwarzl (Regional Transfer Pricing Director, DFDL).

Managing transfer pricing risk in an environment of ongoing global tax reforms and increased transparency of MNE activities through global reporting mechanisms requires more than complying with documentation requirements. It requires a continual review of transfer pricing outcomes and adjustments necessary to achieve the TP Policy.

How can taxpayers manage their transfer pricing operationally to minimize the Transfer Pricing risks in this setting?

In this live webinar, through a review of case studies, we will provide an overview of the key themes in operational transfer pricing to assist in managing transfer pricing risk during this live event, through a review of case studies.


1. Operational Transfer Pricing Overview                                

  • What is operational Transfer Pricing and why do we do it?
  • What commonly causes Operational Transfer Pricing issues for companies?
    -  tax audits, external stakeholders and statutory audits,
    -  resource constraints in tax departments, and
    - higher level of assurance required by the Board, and key person risk (one person knows all information).
  • Practical solutions to Operational Transfer Pricing Risk (with examples)
  • How do Competent Authorities view Operational Transfer Pricing?

2. Q&A Session: Moderated by Christine Schwarzl 
If you are interested in better understanding your options in managing Operational Transfer Pricing for your locations in Asia, be sure to join us for this important and informative talk and register now!


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