Committee Legal & Compliance

Ransomware Threats: Strategies in Safeguarding Corporate Assets

Drew and Napier LLC, 10 Collyer Quay, #10-01 Floor Ocean Financial Centre, 049315, Singapore
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Member only

Price: Member: $25*

*includes light lunch


Event ended.

Join us to discuss ransomeware threats

Ransomware is no longer just an IT department problem. Given the increasing prevalence of cyberthreats and the proliferation of easy access to sophisticated ransomware tools, the danger of ransomware cannot be overstated.

Such attacks can cripple the operations of a company and bring it to its knees without proper prevention protocols and response plans in place.

In this discussion, moderated by Rakesh Kirpalani from Drew and Napier LLC, we will discuss legal implications and strategies for companies to safeguard their confidential information and technological assets, and notable trends in this space.


Rakesh Kirpalani - Director, Dispute Resolution & Information Technology, Chief Technology Officer at Drew and Napier LLC


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