Webinar  •  Meeting & Exchange Asia  •  Financial & Fintech

[WEBINAR] The Impact of Inflation across ASEAN Region

Zoom, Singapore

Event language(s)

For members only

Price: $10 SGD for Members only.

Singapore time: 4pm to 5pm
France time: 10am to 11am

Payment due open registration and registration fees non-refundable.


Event ended.

What is the impact of the inflation on growth, across ASEAN region?

The French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore is delighted to invite you to our WEBINAR on the Impact of Inflation across ASEAN Region.

During this Webinar, you will have the opportunity to listen and share your views with two exclusive speakers:

  • Frederic Neumann, Co-Head of Global Research, ASP and Chief Economist at HSBC
  • Bernard Aw, Chief Economist at COFACE

They will cover their macro and micro point of views over the Inflation's impact on growth across ASEAN region, including:

  • Food inflation impact on ASEAN economies
  • Tight domestic supply in certain food items and export restrictions
  • Payment delays in 2021 amid rising commodity prices
  • Rising raw material prices
  • Purchasing power
  • ASEAN central banks monetary policy, interest rates, credit conditions and investment

Whether you are traveling overseas or still in Singapore, we arranged the WEBINAR to be at a convenient time for you:

  • 4pm (SG time)
  • 10am (FR time)

Terms & Conditions:

  • Full payment is required upon registration. Once paid, registration fees are non-refundable.
  • The Zoom link will be sent a day prior to the event.
  • Please note that photographs may be taken during the event for news and publicity purposes.


Event Location

A link to access the Webinar on Zoom will be send to the attendees 24h before the conference starts.



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