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Immersion's 2C3D R&D Project Allows for Collaboration on 3D Design

The 2C3D project is the result of 3 years of research, funded by the Aquitaine region.
2C3D is a Collaborative Interface Project for Offshore 3D Design. It made it possible to implement sharing and visual interactivity procedures on data in heterogeneous formats and to apply them to rural architecture and to the landscape.
The project developed around existing Immersion, Collaboration and Interaction solutions, resulting in a unique solution developing a combination of hardware and software. During the 3D reconstruction of the town of Audrix (Dordogne), the various partners were able to share their results, their documents, their elements from the field as well as their feedback and reflections thanks to the collaborative solutions of Immersion.


At the origin of this project, two entities: Immersion and Archéovision. The two have already worked together on numerous occasions for several years. Archéovision, directed by Robert Vergnieux, has for main mission the support to the project leaders, who wish to integrate a 3D component in their research. As part of this project, Immersion and Archéovision have surrounded themselves with two other players: the CAUE Dordogne and the Municipality of Audrix.


The CAUE supports individuals and communities in their development and town planning project. This research project is above all a collaborative work which gave the opportunity to the CAUE to reflect on new practices of its space profession. Finally, the town of Audrix was modeled in 3D and on which the entire project team worked. The Mayor and his municipal team gladly took part in this project which was a real discovery for them, novices in 3D.


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