Companies news

ASIA-CONNECT launches executive interim management services platform to bridge the gap between West and East

Singapore, 11March, 2024 - ASIA-CONNECT today announces the launch of a complete suite of executive interim-based solutions for companies doing business across the Asia Pacific and Middle East regions.

“Through our innovative approach to an open collaboration platform, we have created the largest network of executive interim managers in Asia. Our operating model prioritizes client value creation and sustainable business impact. Delivering real outcomes is most critical to us, and we take accountability for it” says CEO and Co-founder Ronald Kleer.

“No one can ignore Asia today: its weight, its growth, its innovation in high impact technological sectors. And with the aspirations of India and other regional players, Asia is changing at high speed. ASIA-CONNECT provides western businesses with resources they need to reassess their deployment and adapt to new challenges” says Chairman and Co-founder Patrick Laredo.

ASIA-CONNECT offers clients and partners an executive interim management platform with expertise in strategic business solutions, operational problem solving, and crisis management.

  • Access to the largest network of executive interims in Asia-Pacific and Middle East.
  • Custom interim management services to each client's specific needs and objectives. 
  • A single point of contact for linking business partners and industry participants with executive interims.

SOURCE: Asia Connect 

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