Companies news

Astek reaches its 2024 target two years ahead

Astek is proud to present to you a flamboyant assessment of the past half-year, on the occasion of the announcement of two new acquisitions (i.e. four since the beginning of the year) and two additional country openings.

Astek establishes itself in Sweden thanks to the arrival in the group of 150 engineers and the two agencies (Gothenburg and Stockholm) of Conmore.

In France, Astek is notably strengthening its “Data” and “Life Sciences” divisions with the integration in Ile de France of IT&M and its 280 engineers.

In addition Astek announces the opening this summer of astek Portugal and astek Morocco.

With Vietnam at the beginning of the year and therefore Sweden, there are therefore four additional countries which appear in 2022 on the map of the group's establishments…. and the year is not over!

Building on solid and sustainable organic growth of 24% (16% in France, 35% internationally) in the first half, in line with that of 2021, without which an external growth policy doesn't really make sense, astek has 6,800 employees worldwide for a 2022 turnover estimated to date at around €500 million.

As a reminder, the Astek strategic plan drawn up at the beginning of 2021 provided for a turnover of 500 million euros by 2024 for a workforce of 7,000 employees.

Thanks to the talent and energy of the entire astek community, and also thanks to the renewed and strengthened confidence of its customers around the world, Astek will have achieved its three-year objectives in just one year! 


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