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Choose Facemasks created by D’Gers!

Make a statement, make a real and positive difference to your Business and life. Beyond necessity, masks become a vehicle of identity and values.

Choose Facemasks created by D’Gers.

The perfect “ greetings gift » swag,  for your employees, and collaborators :

★ Safe & Care

Eco-friendly / Get rid of classical masks by adopting my masks

(reusable & washable + 50 times).


Stylish with original branding inspired by Singapore


D' Gers offers a corporate package:

Scale your statement across all your employees and business partners:

Design of choice (amongst 6)

Integration of your corporate logo

Package of 1or 2 items, safely sealed

Employee Introductory A5 leaflet

Volume pricing available on demand

Donation of $1 per sale of mask

★ 1$ to VSA : Very Special Arts Singapore [VSA-] is the leading

non-profit charity organisation dedicated to providing opportunities for persons with disabilities (PWDs) to be involved in the arts sphere.


More infos

Phone : +65 982 4036

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