Companies news

Danone achieves Triple A score 5 years in a row

Danone's sustainability actions have yet again been recognized, 5th year in a row. Danone is one of only 10 companies that achieved a Triple A score for the three environmental areas covered by CDP: climate change, forest preservation, and water security.

Danone strongly believes in the importance of food system and agricultural transformation to tackle climate-related crises. Their ambitious climate targets – from methane reduction to water preservation, and regenerative agriculture – are included in their sustainability roadmap: the Danone Impact Journey.

The aim: drive significant change and embed sustainability in every aspect of their business, across all geographies, to become more resilient, future-fit, and competitive.

The Triple A rating is a strong recognition of their progress towards net-zero emissions across the value chain by 2050 and our 2030 SBTi-approved 1.5°C target.
Supported by their new Climate Transition Plan, they will continue to accelerate food system transformation through collaboration and scale-up of initiatives.

SOURCE: Danone

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