Companies news

DECATHLON's Near-Term and Net-Zero Targets Validated by the SBTi

DECATHLON is proud to announce that our ambitious Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets have been officially validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

The SBTi's assessment evaluated DECATHLON's scope 1, 2, and 3 near-term and long-term target ambitions and we are pleased to share that our targets are aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory, representing one of the most ambitious designations available through the SBTi process.

Near-Term Science-Based Targets (2030)

DECATHLON commits to reducing absolute scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG induced emissions by 42% by 2030 from our 2021 base year. 

Long-Term Science-Based Targets (2050)

In accordance with the SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard, DECATHLON pledges to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain by 2050. By this time, DECATHLON aims to reduce absolute CO2 eq. emissions by 90% from the 2021 base year prioritising direct emissions reduction and neutralising all residual emissions in line with SBTi criteria before reaching net-zero emissions.

Those commitments have been recognized and approved by the SBTi based on their Criteria version 5.1 that specifies that certain emissions, such as avoided emissions and emissions offset by carbon credits, should not be considered as valid reductions. Therefore, these emissions are not included in our target calculations.

Clémence Petillion, DECATHLON’s Climate Trajectory Manager: ”DECATHLON's climate ambitions are now taking on a new dimension. DECATHLON is committed to reducing its emissions in absolute terms over an unprecedented period of time.”

Arnaud Fossard, DECATHLON’s Climate Impact Leader“Our commitment to drastically reduce our emissions in absolute terms shows our willingness, as a company, to do our fair share of decarbonization to limit the impact of climate change.”

SOURCE: Decathlon 

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