Companies news

Euler Hermes' economic research is expanding in Paris

Euler Hermes, the world leader in credit insurance solutions, announces three appointments in its Economic Research department.

Alexis Garatti is appointed Director of Economic Research for the Euler Hermes Group. He will be assisted by Ana Boata, newly appointed Director of Macroeconomic Research, and Maxime Lemerle, now Director of Economic Research for Sectors. These three appointments at the head of Euler Hermes' economic research strengthen the research department of Allianz, the parent company of Euler Hermes. Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist of Allianz, remains Chief Economist of Euler Hermes.

“I would like to congratulate Ludovic Subran on his appointment as Chief Economist of the Allianz Group, and thank him for contributing to Euler Hermes' outreach through high quality economic research. I am delighted that he retains a role at Euler Hermes, in addition to his new duties. I am also very pleased to see that talented economists from our Paris team take on greater responsibilities. I am convinced that Alexis, Ana and Maxime will be able to develop research that is both of the highest quality and useful to the companies we serve on a daily basis,” said Wilfried Verstraete, Chairman of the Euler Hermes Board of Management.

The economic research department of Euler Hermes is one of the pillars of the economic research of the Allianz Group, with some thirty economists, strategists, and insurance foresight specialists around the world.

“Euler Hermes' economic, sectorial and thematic research - international trade, SMEs, business failures - is a key part of the Allianz Group's economic research. I am very happy, and very proud, that Alexis, Ana and Maxime take on new responsibilities within Euler Hermes. Their expertise, and that of their employees, will be equally valuable to Allianz Group customers within our global Allianz Research team,” said Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist of the Allianz Group and Euler Hermes Group.


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