Interview  •  Portraits

Interview with Aude Beneton: 'The power of interaction and collaboration'

Aude Beneton, Executive Coach, Managing Director of Harmony & Mobility Consulting, shares her view of career transition and leadership development.

What is your background?

I am an Executive Coach and Partner at Harmony & Mobility Consulting. 

Engineer by training, I started my career at Nestlé as change management specialist and operation team leader for 10 years. I saw how effective management of human capital was a key asset in a highly competitive world.  When I relocated in Singapore in 2005, I decided to unleash my entrepreneurial spirit and develop my career into coaching.


A few words about your business

Harmony & Mobility Consulting is an international coaching and career consulting boutique company, expert in career transition and leadership development. A successful transition being key to perform in our fast-paced and changing world, we design and deliver solutions to facilitate change.  We help talents unlock their potentials and teams better perform in a multicultural environment. We operate in Asia and Europe.

Our solutions focus on:

  • Performance & Leadership Development: executive coaching, on-boarding, team coaching, codevelopment.
  • Career Transition : career development, career coaching ( the French « Bilan de compétences »), outplacement


Why did you set up your business in Singapore?

In Singapore, whether working in a MNC or launching a start-up, leaders have to embrace cultural diversity, face the challenge of recruiting, developing and retaining talents, drive innovation and secure peak performances in a robust and growing economy. They need to be resilient, fast, agile, creative, digital … and often need support to hone these skills & develop highly adapted behaviours.

Since 2009, Harmony & Mobility Consulting has crafted solutions tailored for the Singapore market to accompany people and organisations in their journey.


What was the most difficult challenge to overcome on your entrepreneurial journey?

Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, you don’t have colleagues to interact with, to challenge your thinking. 

As I have always been convinced of the power of interaction and collaboration, I decided from the start to join a partnership structure. The mentoring program of the FCCS was as well a very positive experience and helped me step back and prepare for future. I also join entrepreneur-gathering initiatives to meet other entrepreneurs and open my eyes to various perspectives. 


What are the next steps for your company?

2 milestones, 1 common-thread: COLLABORATION

  • Strengthen collaboration within Harmony & Mobility Consulting: I am thrilled to manage a team of 2 here in Singapore, with Hélène Bertonèche, career & team coach, and Christine Etcheparre, HR advisor.  I also continue working hand-on-hand with my partners and their teams, in France and the UK.
  • Create trustful and meaningful collaboration with peers: companies need to foster a collaborative environment to succeed in our “VUCA world”. So, together with Delphine Desaulles from SOL Consulting, we have brought to Asia the codevelopment methodology to help companies build collaborative teams. It is a collective learning approach born in Canada to help participants progress in their professional practice and allow the group as a whole to develop its own collective intelligence. 


A few tips for new entrepreneurs?

Know yourself. Really do. 

Identify clearly the question you want to tackle

Communicate on what makes you unique

Thing big

But stay patient. 





Your motto in life?

Smile to life. Choose joy.


Your business motto?

Alone we go fast, together we go further



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