Interview  •  Portraits

Interview with Emmanuelle Le Strat: Making sense of my experience and helping people grow

Emmanuelle, a coach, trainer & founder of e-le-strat, shares with us the importance of being aligned with our core values.

What is your background?

I was born in Paris and always felt like a typical “Parisian”, preferring the cities to the countryside! My background is in sales and marketing, having completed business school certification. For 25 years, I covered various corporate fields, from mineral water to theme parks; hospitality and events, and even public transportation. Step by step, I built a corporate career with an additional priority of helping my teams evolve and improve.

At one point, it appeared to me that something was missing inside the organisations, that my core values weren’t anymore fostered and that I truly needed to get back to my essential DNA – finding a way to give sense to my experience and help people growing…. Coaching appeared to me as an evidence, giving me a chance to leverage on my professional experience and place my skills at the service of individuals and teams.


A few words about your business

I’m a corporate coach, a trainer and a facilitator. Through my company e-le-strat, I offer 3 types of services:


One major concern for organisations at the moment is linked to the Covid19 situation, with many employers asking "How to keep your team committed when you work from home?"

I facilitate tailor-made workshops based on positive psychology and on the "Appreciative Inquiry©" process (Intercultural, intergenerational, change management...). One of my frequently-asked questions is,"How can you build your team?" - my role therefore is to reconnect people,  helping them to rely on their skills and find new ways of collaboration.

I also coach Executive Committee members during company meetings to give them tools to be more efficient together – I consider Professional Co-development as one of the most powerful tool to be used in this context!

All workshop and coaching can be made remotely.



My systemic approach considers that each move you make in your own system will consequently impact all the other systems you interact with. “Head – Heart – Body” need to be re-connected to allow the circulation of a well-balanced energy. During these uncertain times, the need for having a safe place to speak about your feelings is increasing and coaching is one of the answers.


Mostly in sales and customer service (reception, telephone skills, customer's expectations, difficult situations...), and also management skills, leadership, assertiveness, empathy...

On top of that, I achieved a certification on TTI Talent Insights© (personality test) which can be a real decision making tool during recruitment process, but also a great input of the individual behaviours and motivation inside a team (team mapping)


Why did you set up your business in Singapore?

Honestly, my husband and I never planned to be expats!!! I had just created my company in France two months before he asked me if I knew where Singapore was on the map!

Upon considering that this opportunity was a great chance for both of us, we decided to jump in and arrived in Singapore almost 4 years ago.

In France, when I created my company, I used to say that I’m an “entrepreneur by accident” – The most important point for me at this time was to be aligned with my core values and to have the freedom of choosing my clients without being somehow “stuck” in a specific company! When I arrived in Singapore, I took one year to understand this new multicultural environment, the market, the needs of the managers and their teams,… I volunteered a lot in different associations, helping jobseekers for example (which I still do inside Singapour Accueil Pro – AFS Pro), or leading a group of entrepreneurs, sharing tips about how to create a company in Singapore and also breaking the solitude. As a “social animal”, I always found it so difficult to work alone!!!! Finally, after I started to have some contract opportunities, I decided to create my company.


What was the most difficult challenge to overcome on your entrepreneurial journey?

The idea of being alone was one of my major issues to overcome! I also had to learn that I was definitely in a different space-time continuum here, and that it was going to take a certain amount of time before acquiring a professional legitimacy – one of the worst moments was the weekly gentle but regular pressure from my family in France who were expecting some kind of immediate concrete results!!! I had to be patient and trust my capacity of building a network and gaining legitimacy. During that journey, I always had the unconditional support of my husband, which was and still is a real strength for me!

What I like most about being an entrepreneur - besides the freedom - is seeing that I can do my part in this world by sharing my experience and expertise – and seeing the great feedback in my clients’ eyes is my best reward!


What are the next steps for your company?

One year ago, I took an online training on “sketchnoting”, which consist in drawing simple pictograms to facilitate the visual memory. In fact, as it was mentioned: “If you’ve always told yourself that you don't know how to draw, this is for you!”, I immediately felt concerned!! I discovered that I was taking a great pleasure in this, and that I was improving and getting myself understood through simple pictos!!  

I’m now using this in my coaching sessions, to help my coachees visualise some concepts, and anchor  some important moments. I’m also working on a new workshop to develop creativity through sketchnoting.

Simultaneously with validating a coaching certification, I’m also working on being referenced in major companies as a corporate coach.


A few tips for new entrepreneurs?

Don’t stay alone! We tend to forget the beginning of our entrepreneurial story, but we all share the same questions – so don’t hesitate to call for help and use your network!


Your motto in life?

The best is always to come!

I’m a genuine optimistic and I’m truly convinced that, by sharing my happiness and being aligned with my core values, I can do my part to help people and organisations grow towards the best!


Your business motto?


As Master Yoda said while trying to teach the young Padawan Skywalker ;)

“You must learn patience. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Resilience is made of courage and hope!


Find out more about e-le-strat Pte Ltd
Coaching, Training  & Facilitation


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