Event report

Journée Jobseekers - Fevrier 2020

The Recruitment and HR Services department of the French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore organised a series of 4-day Jobseekers workshops in February 2020. Each of them aimed to help participants understand the Singaporean job market by tackling various themes such as entering keys to network, adapting CV in the Singaporean market, adopt good practices on LinkedIn, learn to pitch in a relevant and impactful way or even understand the tips for a successful job interview.

Thank you to our excellent speakers who made these sessions very enriching - Hélène Bertonèche, Consultant in Career Transitions for Harmony & Mobility Consulting, Clemence Blondel, Learning & Development Consultant and Coach at CLIA - Creative Leadership In Asia, Marie-Liesse Calmejane , certified executive and life coach at MLC Consulting, Geraldine GAUTHIER PCC, certified professional coach (ICF) and founder of W2P Consulting, and Patricia Mauclair, recruitment consultant at the French Chamber.

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