Companies news

Launch of the happymeter™, an AI based device that seamlessly captures customer satisfaction

"We are happy to announce the launch of the happymeter™, an AI based device that seamlessly captures customer satisfaction."

Customer satisfaction is a cornerstone of any B2C business. However, assessing customer satisfaction is often not only inaccurate but also trouble-making. In particular, the process of assessing customer satisfaction is also part of the customer journey and as such it influences the very satisfaction this journey proclaims it generates.

The way it works it simple: if you are happy (or unhappy), you show your thumb up (or down) to the happymeter™. The device will detect the gesture, categorize it and provide a direct visual and auditory feedback. Based on patent pending AI technology, computation happens on site and only depersonalized statistics are sent to the cloud. So not only it brings unmatched level of responsiveness but it ensures complete privacy for a new era of customer interaction. In addition, customer express their satisfaction without touching the device, and as such, without spreading diseases.

The happymeter™ comes in different format:

  • Self-standing
  • On the counter
  • Wall mounted

All in all, the interactive and engaging solution help you make sure that your last interaction with your customer is not the last one.

For more information about the happymeter™, visit

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