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Legrand Singapore CSR activity

Legrand Singapore is proud to share its first ever voluntary activity.

On 23 November 2019 (Saturday), 14 Legrand Singapore employees together with their families and friends volunteered to spend their Saturday afternoon with the Residents of Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home (Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home caters to elderlies who do not qualify for government-funded homes but also can’t afford the more expensive profit-driven private homes in Singapore).

They took the opportunity to interact with the Residents together with their families and friends through karaoke, dancing, playing bingo, serving delicious snacks (the Residents gave the thumbs-up!), outdoor stroll and cleaning the windows and doors of their wards.

There was also a Matching Program for every S$1 cash donation received. A total of S$1,800 was contributed in which household items were purchased for the Home (Wish List).

In appreciation of the active participation and great efforts, the employees, families and friends were rewarded with a mystery gift!

It was a Saturday well and worth spending especially when you left the Home with smiles and thank-you from the Residents.

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