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OCBC Bank Singapore Inks Deal with BIZSU to Support its Sustainability Efforts

SINGAPORE, 1ST December 2022: BIZSU, one of the leading ESG start-ups in Singapore and committed to helping other parties’ ingrain sustainability into their operations has announced doing business with OCBC Bank. The agreement is an important step in helping OCBC Bank, the Singapore administration, and the environment as a whole to reap maximum benefits from the commitment to sustainability. 

OCBC Bank Initiatives Leveraging 

The world is reeling from the dangers of global warming, which Antonio Gutterres, the Secretary General of the UN, describes as a “race towards climate hell.” OCBC Bank responded to the growing calls for responsible and ethical operations by starting initiatives aimed at improving its sustainability ratings. 

According to the OCBC Bank, “the growing threat of climate change and the urgent need for sustainable development post huge risks and opportunities for the banking industry.” The deal with BIZSU, therefore, is a crucial part of this effort in managing the evolving environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. 

In line with the mission of OCBC Bank of not engaging in actions that cause negative ESG impacts, BIZSU will help to strengthen its commitment to improve every component of the ecosystem. The bank emphasized that they can only thrive in a healthy and secure environment, and every party has to play its part. 

BIZSU Technology for an Improved ESG Rating

According to the managing director of BIZSU, Brice Degeyter, the start-up is always looking for new technologies to help more organizations adopt sustainability and reap maximum benefits from their efforts. “Working with OCBC Bank comes at a time when every financial facility is moving towards creating structures for improved ESG ratings,” explained Degeyter. 

With our technologies, we are ready to work with OCBC Bank to improve its ESG rating through enhanced efficiency of its systems,” added Degeyter. “With this partnership, OCBC Bank is sure to save on power bills, reduce its carbon footprint, and strengthen its brand,” the Founder emphasized. 

Other benefits of BIZSU technologies include: 

  • No CAPEX needed
  • Few minutes installation and zero maintenance
  • Improves indoor air quality
  • Help cut down electricity bills by 25% on average
  • Unlimited lifespan



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