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Opening of CP class at La Petite Ecole Singapore, a proud member of the Odyssey education network

Another year has kick-started for the pupils and members of our educational team at La Petite Ecole, with an usual back to school marked by novelty: the opening of a CP class (“Cours Préparatoire”) and the integration of La Petite Ecole group to the growing Odyssey education network.

Some exciting prospects in the air for this one-of-a-kind preschool and its younger sister, La Petite Crèche!


La Petite Ecole is delighted to extend its pedagogical offer beyond Grande Section (GS) this year, with the opening of Cours Préparatoire (CP). This leap forward has come as an answer to parents’ request to keep their child in the same human-scale establishment and continue with the pedagogical approach that has given La Petite Ecole its reputation. Accredited by the French Ministry of Education since 2013, La Petite Ecole teaches the French curriculum in a fully immersive, bilingual environment in French and English.

“ To many, this extension into elementary will not come as a surprise ” explains Maria Lamrani Alaoui, Director of La Petite Ecole group, managing schools not only in Singapore, but also in Bangkok, Thailand, and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. “ Families who make the choice to enrol their child in our school have been regularly and openly requesting that we extend our education offer. For us, there is no better reason to do so than to respond positively to parents’ demands.”

The French curriculum functions in ‘cycles’, where cycle 1 ends at the end of GS. Moving on to a different school at the end of cycle 1 can prove a challenge for some, especially since this often means adapting to a relatively different environment, in terms of size but also in the way things work. This year being a first, the school decided to open only one class of CP, with enrolment filling up to reach the maximum capacity in only a few days.

The project is to continue developing the elementary offer year after year to truly meet the families’ needs. Such development has the full support of not only the French institutions, but also La Petite Ecole’s new partner, Odyssey.

Odyssey is a French international education group whose establishments around the world offer state-of-the-art education combining the French curriculum, innovative pedagogy and an openness to the world, from kindergarten to high school.

In each school of the Odyssey group, highly skilled educational teams are committed to leading each student on the path to success.

Today, Odyssey brings together 14 establishments in Europe, Africa and Asia, all accredited by the French Ministry of National Education. Recognised by French authorities for the quality of its educational offer, the Odyssey group has reached an exclusive agreement with the Agency for French Education Abroad (AEFE), thus devoting its role of privileged partner within the network of French education abroad.

At La Petite Ecole, like in every other school that is a part of the Odyssey group, working hand-in-hand with parents to ensure a smooth and successful learning journey for the child, is of the utmost importance. La Petite Ecole and Odyssey teams wish every child a delightful school year, rich in wonders.


Contact details:

La Petite Ecole

2, Turf Club Road #01-13

Singapore S287988


T : +65 8722 2770 / +65 6464 5134



Facebook: @lapetiteecolesg / Instagram: @lapetiteecolesg

Youtube: La Petite Ecole Group

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