Event report

Past Event | HR CLUB Breakfast Meeting June 2024

For our final session before the summer break, we were invited by Romain Lefaix, Head of HR APAC for SCOR, to visit their office and gain insight into their flex office project. Thank you, Romain!

It was fascinating to learn about their journey towards hybrid working and its implication for SCOR, including the redesign of the workspace, the establishment of new working principles, and the development of a new concept aimed at fostering collaboration and enhancing employee wellbeing. Additionally, we appreciated hearing about the lessons learned during the process and since the office reopening two years ago, as well as discussing the potential next steps and challenges ahead.

The FCCS HR Club is a “by invitation only“ Club and represents a community of professionals and experts committed to sharing best practices and expanding their knowledge on various topics relating to HR management in the region. It is a great forum to meet and network with like-minded individuals.

For more information about the HR Club, please contact Caroline Steger   csteger(@)fccsingapore.com

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