Event report

Past event | To What Degree Are We Ready to Build the "Reusable Economy”?

A warm thank you to our panellists: Mr. Andre Nothomb, Head of Government Affairs APAC, Singapore Country Manager at Solvay; Mrs. Stephanie Simonnet, Co-founder at Loopedin; Mrs. Ingrid Caes, Sustainability Manager at Bolloré Logistics for such an interactive session and fruitful discussion, in which they shared about the key success factors to build a reusable economy as well as  the circular economy challenges their industries are facing . Thank you to Mrs. Ivona Balint-Kowalczyk, Founder of Sustainao for moderating the session and our special guest, Mrs. Karine ALQUIER-CARO, Area VP South East Asia at Legrand for sharing how an international brand is impacted by the topic.

Key Takeaways :

  • Recycle is not equal to reuse. Recycling definition: breaking down the plastic into smaller pieces and using it to create a new product. Recycling of single use packaging means a constant stream of new resources used as well.
  • Reduce and Reuse are superior solutions among the hierarchy of resource & waste management (Reduce -> Reuse -> Repair -> Recycle -> Re-earth (Compost) -> Incineration -> Landfill)
  • Sustainability challenges need to be tackled with partnership between different players in the same ecosystem.


This event was kindly supported by our committee partner ENGIE.


For more information about Sustainable Business committee, please contact Emily Jiang ejiang(@)fccsingapore.com.

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