Event report

RECONSTRUIRE » : Rebuilding after the COVID crisis

In 2020, PwC France conducted a major survey with 50 key decision makers  from diverse backgrounds (general managers, entrepreneurs, investors, union leaders, religious leaders, philosophers, journalists etc.) to gain insights on the COVID-19 crisis and its impact, as well as emerging trends that will ensue.

On 13 Jan, PwC Singapore held an event at its auditorium to share the key findings of the survey. Led by Anthony Pain, Director, Cécile de Lasteyrie Scherk, Sales and Marketing Director, and Antoine Cadoux, Director at Strategy& , they discussed  

  • The short-term priorities
  • The necessity to reinvent ourselves
  • The need to pay more attention to human, social and environmental issues in order to meet the next challenges
  • An acceleration of digitalisation
  • A 'back-to-local' effect
  • A new economic, social and environmental pact, 
  • Working from home at the centre of the organisation
  • The EU as a bulwark and potential consequences for Asia

A key takeaway was how digital transformation has gained greater momentum as businesses seek to increase efficiency and productivity, in lieu of disruptions caused by COVID-19. Recognising the need to act swiftly and decisively, a public private partnership was formed in Singapore to focus on the digitalisation of supply chains. Work is now underway to create a digital utility for supply chain ecosystem to share data in a trusted, secure and inclusive way.  


Thank you to our speakers and participants for attending this physical event. Please note that all our physical events have limited seats in respect of the current rules. 

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