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Spotlight on Sophie NORMAND: A serial Entrepreneur journey in video production and visual content!

Sophie is Co-Founder of several business including fewStones and VideoBlast.io. She brings us behind the scene of video, apps and online solutions...

  • What is your background?

After graduating from a French engineering school, I worked for several years in large telcos companies in Germany and France. I then decided to do an MBA at INSEAD, and this is what brought me to Singapore. Since graduation, I have been a serial entrepreneur. 


  • A few words about your business

Our main business is focused essentially on visual content. We have a corporate video agency (fewStones.com) and more recently we launched an online service to create visual content (graphic design, Powerpoint design and simple videos) for a flat monthly subscription called VideoBlast.io. It’s an innovative pricing model similar to Spotify or Netflix: unlimited plans. 


  • Why did you set up your business in Singapore?

After INSEAD, my husband and I wanted to stay in Singapore and raise our children here, within an international environment. Singapore is a very business friendly place to set up a business. So it was the perfect combination. 


  • What was the most difficult challenge to overcome on your entrepreneurial journey?

The most difficult part in growing a business is probably to have the right team. We are very fortunate that over the years we have been able to assemble an amazing team for the different businesses. There is always not enough time to do everything you would like to do and working with great people is what enables you to do a lot more together. 


  • What are the next steps for your company?

With VideoBlast.io we are on a trajectory to expand internationally. We already have customers in Europe and the US, not only Singapore and Asia. This will bring new challenges but it is also very exciting. 


  • A few tips for new entrepreneurs?

Entrepreneurship is a journey, like a marathon, not a sprint. Any new entrepreneur will make mistakes and there is no real shortcut. A key asset in entrepreneurship and beyond is to be able to really learn from your mistakes in order to reach the next level. Also, if you are able to find one or several mentors who are relevant to your business, it could definitely help you avoid some mistakes and progress faster. 


  • Your business motto?

Always keep learning


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