Companies news

SwissCham Business Excellence Awards 2021

Don't miss the deadline for award application submissions on Aug 31 2021!

In 2020, SwissCham launched the Digital Transformation Award (DX) with success, as we received a total of 43 applications coming from startups, SMEs and MNCs from various sectors. Given the achievement of this initiative, SwissCham wants to offer again the platform to all organisations in Singapore as well as the ASEAN region to showcase their digitisation efforts. 

We are excited to discover another pool of forward-thinking companies this year with the Business Excellence Awards 2021 comprising two award categories:



With the second edition of the Digital Transformation Award, SwissCham wants to offer a platform to all organisations in Singapore as well as the ASEAN region to showcase their digitisation efforts.

The aim of the award is to present best-in-class digital transformation initiatives, such as creating new ways of operating and growing businesses through cloud, mobile, big data/AI, blockchain or the usage of any other enabling technologies.

In addition, the award process will facilitate best practice exchange (e.g. newsletters and webinars), give access to unique expertise and a network of experts in the field of digitisation. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest update.




For the fifth time, SwissCham Singapore will honour excellence in People & Skills Development. We celebrate member companies and Singapore based organisations with a strong Swiss link who have achieved exceptional success in people management and skills development. A special consideration will be given again to successful people management and skills development shown during the recent Covid-19 crisis.

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Join SwissCham’s Business Excellence Awards presented online in November and December 2021.

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