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The Manta - A giant of the seas against pollution

4 years ago, the SeaCleaners started with the aim to protect the ocean from plastic pollution, dreaming of a highly innovative boat, the Manta, that will collect and repurpose plastic waste. 

Since then, international scientists, engineers, corporate partners and volunteers have joined their forces, supporting the project and allowing us to move forward. 

The SeaCleaners are very happy to announce that on 24 Nov, they will unveil the final design of the Manta boat and explain its special features. 

More about the Manta:

The MANTA is the first seagoing vessel capable of collecting and processing in continuous flow large quantities of macro plastic waste floating at the surface of oceans.

The design has been focusing on many innovative technologies in the field of renewable energy production or by limiting her global carbon footprint maximizing the energy self-sufficiency. 

The Manta has an optimized maneuverability and large scope which not only allow her to rapidly reach the most polluted areas (many along the coast or estuaries and mouths of the 10 large rivers where 90% of the ocean plastic pollution comes from) but also in areas polluted by a recent weather or natural disaster.


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