Companies news

The Matcha Initiative: Engaging people on a corporate sustainable journey

Deploying a sustainable mindset/policy/action in a company might seem complicated for people in the first place: 
- What can I do? 
- How can I do it? 
- Will people follow me? 
- Will my manager give consent in the end?

This article aims at breaking the wall around these questions. Here are some time-saving tips to engage people to follow you on a sustainable journey.


Build yourself a resilient mindset

1. Know where you stand

As Jared Diamond claims often: you need a good “self-appraisal” to act on any “decisive change” (this applies to both individuals and organisations). This so-called self-appraisal implies different fundamental questions you need to assess before any other move: 

  • What are your company core values? It is understandably harder to implement sustainable actions in a very conservative company.
  • What role do you have in your company? What are the possible teams/supporters you can have in this sustainable journey? Be honest about what you can achieve based on your situation in your company. Start small and be coherent. If you are a well-appraised manager, you might be able to enforce stronger incentives than a junior executive. Still, everyone can lead sustainable actions at their level!
  • What can your next sustainable role be? Identify potential actions that shall be accepted easily, based on your discussions with managers, colleagues, suppliers, clients...
  • What are the trends in your industry that could benefit your company in terms of sustainability? Logistics companies can aim at green packaging, software companies can aim at green hosting for their platforms…



Before thinking thoroughly about your action, make sure you have found answers to those questions first. It will prevent further frustration in the future.


Read the full article here.



Photo by OCG Saving The Ocean on Unsplash


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