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Two projects have passed the HQE™ pre-assessment certification

Two projects developed by NXPark, Aden Group’s industrial real estate business have passed the HQE pre-assessment certification!

After 12 hours of rigorous evaluation with the HQE Auditor Frédéric Leconte from Certivea, the two projects in Xi’an and Qingdao passed the HQE Design stage pre-certification.

Online audits for both projects.

The HQE Design audit can be conducted online. The Construction Audit needs to be carried out onsite.


HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale – High Environmental Quality) is a French-origin international green building standard.  It is intended for projects under construction, renovation or in operation, whether residential or not, as well as urban planning and infrastructure operations.

HQE values energy, environment, health and comfort

To comply with HQE standards, TERAO has worked hand in hand with the project team and the designers to fine-tune the project optimization path in terms of energy, environment, health and comfort. We have worked not only on energy and water resources optimization but also on comfort, optimized maintenance and waste streams, for better operation.

The 4 big categories and 14 subcategories are valued by HQE certification


The first of these projects (NXPark Xi’an) is a net-zero facility that will have a majority of its energy demand provided by solar photovoltaic microgrids. Facility energy coverage at the time of opening will be 51% provided by solar PV. Moreover, it will put in place a rainwater recycling tank that will enable it to use rainwater to irrigate the grounds, support facility waste systems, etc.

Rendering of NXPark Xi’An


The second project (Akila Lab in Qingdao), has a number of highlights. One of these is its iris petal structure on the exterior, which enables good passive design features, creating shadows and keeping the building cooler during summer, which then reduces the need for air-conditioning. Another passive design feature is the 39% coverage by vegetation on its land, helping to reduce the building’s heat island effect.  

Rendering of Akila Lab by Aden


Also, its glazed façade has been designed to optimize the light transmittance (LT) for daylighting, while reducing the heat gains, by choosing the correct Solar Heat Gain Factor (SHGC) during the design stage.

For a façade as present one of the projects, the glazing is a key element in the future energy consumption and comfort in the building


TERAO is proud to have participated in the successful HQE pre-assessment for the Design phase of these two projects Aden and NXPark. We are looking forward to assisting in the implementation of this sustainable HQE design in the construction phase.


SOURCE : Terao South East Asia et Aden SGP (Group)

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