Event report

Webinar: The gains and losses of China's post-COVID economic recovery

China is a large, complex, and different country from the Western and European ones. As it emerges from the pandemic faster than others, the world is closely watching China’s economic recovery.

In the first of our ESSEC – FCCS Leadership series, we discuss how 

  • the Chinese GDP growth will never be the same. The recent two conferences excluded that figure from the key performance Indicators of the country. GDP will be lower than 5%, probably 2-3%. Even though it still above than Western countries’ GDP, this will test the Chinese social model as the redistribution of gains will not be the same.
  • China will lose a certain number of foreign companies which used to manufacture in China. At the moment, it is hard to predict the impacts, but it will certainly reduce China’s image as 'the factory of the world.'
  • The Belt and Road Initiative,China’s colossal infrastructure investments may see its importance and expansion ceases because of the lack of funding to sustain it.

          As a consequence, China's economy is turning inwards and may develop its own technology decoupled from the West.

Thank you to our guest speakers were Pascal DE PETRINI, Chairman Asia, Danone, and Frederic MAURY, Executive Vice President Of Asia, Trigo Group,  and moderator Cedomir Nestorovic, Geopolitics Professor, ESSEC Business School and Academic Director of the ESSEC & Mannheim EMBA Asia-Pacific.


Sincere thank to our series partner ESSEC Business School.





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