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Enhancing startup-corporate i4.0 partnerships in Singapore and Southeast Asia

Price: To be advised


Event ended.

This virtual event is for investors, VCs and startups based in Europe/Southeast Asia only.

*This virtual event is for investors, VCs and startups based in Europe/Southeast Asia only. Only startups with a minimum viable product or proven track record will be admitted to this event. Please register and the organisers will confirm your seat within 1 week of application on Fridays.

As part of VivaTech 2021, Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), SGInnovate and Singapore Global Network are co-hosting an exclusive, high-level virtual discussion and networking session on Industry 4.0 partnerships in Singapore and Southeast Asia. 


Panel Discussion

Enhancing startup-corporate i4.0 partnerships in Singapore and Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia (SEA) has remained a bright spot despite of the COVID-19 induced global recession, with 4.5% real GDP growth expected in 2021. The economic bloc is also slated to become the 4th largest economy by 2030, and is both an integrated market and production base for global manufacturers.

Singapore is an advanced manufacturing hub in SEA, with the public and private sectors jointly driving Industry 4.0 (i4.0) initiatives like the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI), recognised by the World Economic Forum as an international standard for i4.0 Transformation. SIRI helps companies to look at Process, Technology, and Organisation to start, scale, and sustain their manufacturing transformation journeys.

Yet, many manufacturing corporates in Southeast Asia continue to face challenges with i4.0 adoption, and are keen to partner innovative startups to accelerate their i4.0 plans.

SGInnovate, Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) and Singapore Global Network (SGN) are delighted to host an esteemed panel of corporates, investors, public agencies and scale ups who are industry leaders, and driving key i4.0 initiatives in their respective sectors. Hear our expert speakers share personal stories and concrete tips on how to enhance i4.0 corporate-startup partnerships. France's national investment and innovation bank Bpifrance will also share how their joint funding programmes with Singapore can support co-innovation projects between both our tech ecosystems.

After the panel, event attendees can move freely between virtual networking tables to exchange perspectives with our speakers as well as Singapore-based corporates, investors and public innovation agencies!


Virtual Networking

Supported by Remo

As an attendee, you will receive exclusive, high-level access to investors and VCs from Europe/SEA, to pitch your ideas and hear about the latest programmes your startup can take part in. Some of the confirmed corporates joining the session include ST Engineering, SAP, EDBi, SGInnovate, SMRT, Singapore Tourism Board and more.

To make the most out of this session, we will be prioritising startups with a minimum viable product/track record when shortlisting applications.

Please submit your registration and we will get back to you on your registration status within 1 week on Fridays.



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