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Bizsu helped CapitaLand reduce energy consumption of air handling units (AHU)

Bizsu run a pilot in one of the greenest buildings in Singapore and achieve exciting results.

Bizsu were able to help reduce CapitaLand’s energy consumption through the installation of their Continewm nets.

"We piloted our Continewm nets in Singapore’s first Green Mark Platinum Super Low Energy certified logistics building, one of the greenest buildings in the city, and are pleased to share the great results! Our solution helped achieve up to 51% reduction in Air Handling Units (AHU) energy consumption and up to 16% reduction in cooling load. Through an infrared emitting filter in the net, we were able to reduce energy consumption of the AHU. This is just one example of how doing good for the environment does not have to come at a large cost."


SOURCE: Bizsu 

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