Companies news

Bizsu Is Raising Funds To Promote Sustainability In Companies

Bizsu, an innovative startup that targets helping everyone to embrace sustainability, is fundraising to advance its noble course to promote sustainability in companies. The startup has already received S$350,000 from a private investor towards its course for sustainability and is looking for S$250,000 more to realize its objectives. The funds will be used to assist companies in saving energy and transition to a more sustainable business operating model.

Focus on Supporting the Environment: The Goal of Every Stakeholder

“Climate change is already affecting us widely, everywhere. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something,” said Brice Degeyter. He added that because businesses can change fast and gain from it, efforts to assist them with the transition to more sustainable energy will be instrumental in making the planet a better place for all.

The potential is huge and crucial for companies because more stakeholders are demanding responsible businesses. Employees want to see their companies putting more focus on addressing environmental issues. Customers also want to be associated with green brands and buy their products. Investors, communities, and authorities in different industries also want to see a shift towards sustainability.

Now companies are appreciating this shift towards sustainability and want to use every opportunity to join, make the world a better place, and benefit. This is why Bizsu has been working with top brands, such as Keppel Land, CapitaLand, or SMU.

Door for Contribution Open Until 30th September 2021

To make the efforts for sustainability deliver the targeted results, Brice indicates that (much) more stakeholders need to join. And they have a lot to gain from it.

Bizsu has recently been invited by the Malaysian government to support their companies over the coming years. They now have left the opportunity open for any Singaporean or PR who wants to support their sustainability initiatives and the door will remain open until 30th September 2021.


Follow Bizsu on LinkedIn for more news.


Photo by Jan Piatkowski on Unsplash

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