Companies news

Cetim and Bureau Veritas join forces to support the development of the hydrogen industry

At the Hyvolution trade fair, Bureau Veritas and Cetim signed a partnership agreement intended to support the development of industrial players in the French hydrogen industry by addressing the entire value chain.

Delivering complementary services to manufacturers

The goal of this partnership is to address more global business issues by providing assistance across the entire H2 value chain, with Bureau Veritas working on the regulatory and risk analysis aspects, while Cetim focuses on the operational and technological aspects through its mechanical engineering expertise and testing.

The creation of a joint solution covering the entire lifecycle of projects and product development, from design through to mass production, and from systems to materials will make it possible to enhance the support given to manufacturers in the development of specific technological building blocks – electrolysers, compressors, fuel cells, tanks, etc. – which are vital to the emergence of a high-performance French industry with international ambitions.

A one-stop shop

With their combined expertise, Cetim and Bureau Veritas offer an integrated response to sector players facing major challenges. These include a fast-moving regulatory and standards environment, a supply chain undergoing massive changes, and the need to control both costs and production times. In addition, the sustainability of equipment needed to produce, transport and use hydrogen are also taken into account.

As a result, manufacturers have access to a pooled entry point, offering a holistic response to their issues with real added value for the projects referred specifically to either Cetim or Bureau Veritas.

In providing support, Cetim will draw in particular on the resources allocated under its HyMEET strategic programme. Officially launched at the beginning of February 2022 by Cetim, HyMEET provides consultancy, support and training services to all manufacturers, in order to help them adjust their products and equipment to the requirements of hydrogen in its gaseous and liquid forms.

SOURCE: Cetim 

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