COVID-19  •  Communication - Press

COVID-19 Singapore Government Advisory

As announced by the Multi-Ministry Taskforce on June 10, Singapore will be gradually reopening to Phase 3 (Heightened Alert) from 14 June 2021 in a calibrated approach. See Annex A (below) for the list of community measures.


In particular, enterprises should note the following:

  • Work-from-home remains the default. There should continue to be no cross-deployment of workers to multiple worksites.
  • Enhancements to Jobs Support Scheme (JSS) will remain for affected sectors until 20 June. From 21 to 30 June, the affected sectors will receive 10% JSS support. Infographics on details attached.


From 14 June 2021

  • The permissible group size will be increased to 5 persons.
  • Personal care and appearance services which require masks to be removed (e.g. facials, saunas) will be allowed to resume.
  • Maximum audience size for cinema screenings, MICE events and live performances (excluding those involving unmasking and singing/playing of wind instruments) will be increased to 250 attendees with pre-event testing (PET). PET will not be required for events with 50 or fewer attendees.
  • The operating capacity of attractions and cruises that have received MTI’s prior approval will be increased from 25% to 50%.


From 21 June 2021 (should the situation remain under control)

  • Dining in at F&B establishments will be allowed to resume. Strict observance of at least 1m safe distancing between groups of diners (no more than 5). Enforcement will be significantly stepped up and firmer enforcement action will be taken for any breaches. Patrons are to be reminded to keep masks on at all times, except when eating or drinking
  • Wedding receptions can take place up to 100 attendees with PET. For up to 50 attendees, PET only required for members for the wedding party (up to 20 attendees including couple)
  • Unmasking and singing or playing of wind instruments at live performances may resume, subject to NAC’s safe management measures to be released
  • Gyms and fitness studios may resume indoor mask-off sports activities, with at least 2m between persons and at least 3m between groups of up to 5 persons
  • In-person tuition and enrichment classes may resume with up to 50 per class


Regular Fast and Easy Testing (FET) Regime for Staff Involved in Higher-Risk Mask-Off Activities

  • Staff who work at settings with unmasked clients and patrons will be placed on a FET regime, using tests such as an antigen rapid test, regardless of their vaccination status. These include staff of:
    • Dine-in F&B establishments
    • Personal care services that require removal of masks (e.g. facial services, saunas, make-up services)
    • Gyms and fitness studios where clients are unmasked
  • Mandatory FET testing will be progressively rolled out to larger establishments first and extended to smaller businesses thereafter. FET testing at dine-in F&B establishments will be progressively rolled out from next month. More details will be announced when ready.


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