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EDF R&D presents the main challenges brought about by the development of microgrids

EDF (Electricité de France) introduces four main challenges for the design and development of sustainable, affordable and reliable microgrids.

In the current context of "energy transition" and the trend towards decentralisation of energy systems, microgrids have emerged in the recent years as an additional solution to provide efficient, reliable, and low-carbon electricity supply. Their development however implies major challenges for power systems stakeholders.


Microgrids may be small in size or installed capacity but they are not necessarily simple to design, implement, and operate. They basically are comprehensive power systems facing most of larger systems’ issues and needs. Designing and developing microgrids therefore requires specific skills spanning across optimal design and engineering, procurement, construction and operational phases. Microgrids development goes through sound economic assessment, adapted financing schemes and specific organization with stakeholders and partners.


As microgrids are not one-fits-all solutions, their development therefore implies a global approach, covering technical, economic, regulatory, environmental and social dimensions. Implementing operational microgrids ultimately deals with addressing four key objectives: developing a sustainable energy mix, promoting electrification and associated uses, anticipating impacts on local communities and creating sound business models and financial schemes. 


For more information, read the white paper below.  


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