Event report

Annual General Meeting 2020 - French Chamber of Commerce in Singapore

The Annual General Meeting 2020 was held online this year, in lieu of the coronavirus circuit breaker measures. The opening remarks were given by Pascal Lambert, President, followed by a presentation of the Chamber's activities from Carine Lespeyandel, Executive Director, and a budget report by Stéphane Thierry, Treasurer.  The agenda was as follows:

  1. Opening by Mr Pascal Lambert, President of the FCCS
  2. Approval of minutes of Annual General Meeting 2019
  3. Attendance at the 2020 AGM
  4. Annual Report
  5. Financial Report
  6. Appointment of auditors for the financial year 2020
  7. Any other business

Thank you to our Executive Committee, board members and fellow attendees for your participation.

Please refer to our Annual Report here.

Access to the Minutes of the AGM 2020 (Only for members)

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