Event report

Webinar: Growth and Risk in Asia in 2021: Cross Chambers’ CFO clubs sharing session with Singapore and India

On Tuesday 23 February 2021, a special edition of Cross Chambers’ CFO Clubs sharing session with Singapore and India was held via Zoom.

The session kicked off with an introduction of the CFO Committees of the French Chambers in India and Singapore by Sugata Sircar - CFO & Country Finance Partner, Greater India at Schneider Electric India and Chairman of the IFCCI CFO Committee and Philippe Rousset, CFO APAC of SOCOMEC and co-president of the FCCS Financial & Fintech Committee and CFO Club.

Following this, presentations about Growth in Asia Pacific in 2021 were delivered by Francoise Huang, Senior Economist for APAC at Euler Hermes Singapore and Puneet Sabharwal, CFO at India Citroen (Groupe PSA) and Vice-Chairman of the IFCCI CFO Committee who shared about growth estimation in the years in India, priority investment areas and risk management.

There was also an introduction of the participating CFOs to help them connect between peers.

Thank you to all our participants for a very fruitful session!

Access the speaker’s presentation (Only for members)

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