Interview with Guillaume Chabrieres, Founder, Chab
What is your background?
Born and bred in Aix-en-Provence, I took a gap year in Shanghai where I worked in the events industry, before graduating from INSSEC in Bordeaux with a Master in International Business Management. After a first experience working for a British company in Moscow organising trade fairs and events, I moved to Singapore.
A few words about your business
In July 2013, I founded Chab Pte Ltd, an event company that supports SMEs and multinational companies in developing their brand locally through two service lines:
- Events production and promotion
- Video production to support product launches as well as D&D and hotel launches
Why did you set up your business in Singapore?
Many reasons explain why Singapore is attractive for Entrepreneurs:
- Easy to set up a business in Singapore
- A good international reputation for entrepreneurs
- A lot of business opportunities
- Healthy and well organised business surroundings
On a holiday visit in Singapore, I quickly realised the opportunities offered by this country and, having always wanted to come back to Asia, I decided to stay. It is a family tradition to trade and travel to the Far-East: I am the fifth generation to have done business in Asia. From Lyon, my ancestors started dealing in the silk trade with Jardine & Matheson, during the first part of the 19th century.
What was the most difficult challenge to overcome on your entrepreneurial journey?
Finding the right employees, training them and keeping them on board has turned out to be the most difficult challenge I am facing.
Can you share with us your social media tips to make an event a success?
Never under estimate the power of photos and videos.
Always hire a designer to create your banners & posters, the DIY (Do It Yourself) is too easy to spot and often makes you lose credit pretty easily. Once you are satisfied with your designer/agency; stick to it. Company image is important and the designer is one of the key people that defines your visual identity.
What are the next steps for your company?
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" - Daft Punk
We are constantly seeking for more business opportunities and this is why we have joined the FCCS. Expanding our company to Kuala Lumpur, Bali and Bangkok are probably the next steps.
Your motto in life
"Quand tu veux, tu peux." It means that when you want things to happen, anything is possible.
Your business motto
"When plan A didn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters." It is on all our email signatures.