Event report

Journées Job Seekers 2019

Last week, we had the pleasure of working with our Journées Job Seekers workshop participants and coaches on a diverse range of career strategies.

A big thank you to our speakers Hélène Bertonèche, Marie Basset Inglot, Patricia Mauclair, Stephanie Grouselle, Yael COLLET 

A very warm thank you to Clemence Blondel and Geraldine GAUTHIER for their dynamic workshops "Elevator Pitch" on Wednesday and "Préparer et réussir son Entretien d’Embauche" on Thursday and to our speakers Hélène Bertonèche, Marie Basset Inglot, Patricia Mauclair, Stephanie Grouselle, Yael COLLET.

 We also wish to thank all of our participants for their hard work and dedication during the programme!


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