Event report

Meet THE CEO#14 – Danone

Thank you Pascal De Petrini, Chairman Asia of Danone for this insightful Meet The CEO session yesterday!
We also want to thank the representatives of the different departments who took part of the meetings: Bhawna Gandhi, Chartered MCIPD, Georges Saliba, Maxime Lafarge, Eva Eggler, Lindsay Collins Davison, Veena Panicker, Vera Saw, Karin Teo.

Congratulations to the following 6 companies selected for the B2B meetings: 
- Geraldine GAUTHIER // W2P Consulting 
- Victoria Leborgne // Anaïk
- Alexia Sichère and Maelle Pochat // Try and Review
- Baptiste MACHAT // IRIS PARTNERS Consulting & Management
- Eléonore Ferreyrol - Alesi // Dathena
- Franck Dibouës // Gentle Company of Care

Very interesting encounters with lots of entrepreneurial spirit!
A win-win connection for the selected companies and the CEO.

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