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Nanyang Technological University and Enterprise Singapore launch Singapore Agri-Food Innovation Lab (SAIL)

"I was pleased to launch the Singapore Agri-Food Innovation Lab (SAIL), a national platform connecting global corporates with local agri-food tech startups and SMEs to jointly develop innovative solutions and products. SAIL was created by Nanyang Technological University and Enterprise Singapore.

To-date, SAIL has onboarded 22 industry partners, to focus on their immediate needs in the areas of sustainability, agri-food productivity and quality, digitalisation of business operations, and product research and development. This is in line with our national agenda of strengthening Singapore’s food security and achieving our “30 by 30” goal.

Congratulations to NTU, ESG, and our founding industry partners on the launch of SAIL. I am confident that this tripartite partnership between academia, private and public sectors will sharpen Singapore’s competitive edge and enhance our position as the preferred trading and agri-food tech innovation hub," Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Trade & Industry Republic of Singapore




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