Companies news

NAVYA listed as a key autonomous mobility player on the Innovation Radar Platform

Villeurbanne, France, May 23th 2022 – NAVYA, an autonomous mobility systems leader, has been included in the listing of the Innovation Radar Platform on the basis of its innovations in the field of autonomous mobility.

The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative, financed by the European Union, which aims to identify high potential innovations developed by top European researchers and innovators.

The panel of experts of the Innovation Radar Platform analyzed NAVYA’s technology for on demand, autonomous public transportation vehicles, which the company and its partners are already experimenting within the framework of the EU funded AVENUE project and classified it as Tech Ready. Tech Ready is the third out of four levels of maturity, meaning that the innovation is considered sufficiently advanced to be launched on the market as a product and is aligned with three indicators:

● technological maturity;
● capability of the management team to transform the technology into a marketable product or service;
● capacity of the technology to fulfill the expectations of the sector and serve a potential client base.

The potential of NAVYA’s technology to create a market was also appraised and considered noteworthy.

The evaluation was carried out within the framework of the EU-funded AVENUE project, which was launched in 2018 for a period of four years with the objective of speeding up the development of transportation by autonomous vehicles across the cities of Europe. It brings together 20 partners, including NAVYA, the project’s sole supplier of self-driving shuttles.

Within the project, ten NAVYA shuttles underwent trials in four European cities: Lyon, Luxembourg, Geneva and Copenhagen.

NAVYA shuttle trial in Lyon

NAVYA shuttle trial in Copenhague

NAVYA shuttle trial in Luxembourg

NAVYA shuttle trial in Genève


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